Friday, March 6, 2009

6th March-Wedding wobbles!

There is a phenomenon that exists among brides about which i was completely unaware until very recently, and even when it happened to me i thought that i must be the only one and it was all a result of me being mad!

It's something that none of us hear much about until we actually go through it because many brides deem it to be too shameful to speak of and therefore it is kept under wraps like some sordid little secret.

But i have vowed to be honest in this blog, and talk about what i'm really going through as a bride, to help others who find themselves in the same situations, and i think it is important to get this thing out in the open now, so that other brides, future brides, those who are reading this and going through the same thing, know that they are normal and they don't have to suffer in silence.

The name of this strange phenomenon? The Wedding Wobbles!

Yes, dear brides, since beginning with the planning of this wedding i have had more wobbles than i care to mention, and i don't mean of the thigh variety (although there is that too).
Now i want to be clear, i am not talking about the 'am i marrying the right bloke?' wobble. I have never once asked myself that, and i think if that's the kind of wobble you're having then i am the wrong person to offer advice.

No, i'm talking about the slightly less 'wobbly' wobbles like the one i have been going through all week, the 'did i choose the right dress?' wobble!

I won't lie. This week alone i have googled 1,236,525 wedding dresses. (Okay, a possible exaggeration, but some of them do come in a variety of colours from pearl to coffee so it's a ball-park figure). As i mentioned earlier in the week i was worried that because my dress isn't a 'wedding' dress i might be missing out on some kind of once-in-a-life-time experience (yet another wedding phenomenon). I thought it was just me, that i had been driven crazy by looking at white for so long, but it turns out i'm not alone.

Infact, after carrying out some major scientific research (amongst friends, past brides and various other women) i have discovered that this actually happens to most people! Some even go out and buy a second dress in the run up to the wedding because they have fallen out of love with the one they originally 'loved' the second they tried it on. Finding out that this was 'normal' (i use the term loosely-we are afterall, talking about brides here), i felt better, but began to wonder why this happens? I think the answer is staring us in the face. There is too bloody much to choose from!

How could we possibly be happy with the dress we have chosen when there are about ten million others out there? All this rubbish about finding 'the' dress can't be real, can it? When the odd's are that at least a couple of hundred of them have to look pretty good on you-if you had the time to try them all on that is!

So i've decided the answer is to simply stop looking! I have a dress i love. Of course if i keep comparing it to others i'm bound to find something better and more beautiful but i can only wear one on the day, and this one is 'me',... i think?!

So girls, my advice, should you want it, is to look at dresses (a good selection but perhaps not all of them)for a while, then pick one, then absolutely DO NOT look at another wedding dress again! Ever! It's just too confusing!

And it isn't just the dress you will wobble about, there are many, many other decisions over the course of time from booking to saying 'i do' which you will question. One of my first wobbles came shortly after booking when i began to wonder if marriage was a good idea at all! Did i really need to sign a piece of paper...blah, blah, blah! Loads of people don't bother getting married these days-what actually is the point? It lasted about a week until i realised that if anything 'bad' was to happen to me i wanted to be this man's wife first and i might as well do it now than 'last minute' and that sorted that one.

There are other things you will wobble about. Some brides i've heard about decided they hated their colour scheme weeks before the wedding, others change from big weddings to small, then sometimes big again! Just remember we're all going through it, it's 'normal' (again, loose).

I don't think i ever really took on board in the beginning how 'big' all this wedding stuff really is. I was blase about keeping it simple, not wanting a fuss, not getting swept along. But as time goes on, and even though i still want to keep it nice and relaxed and simple on the day, i am learning that it is a pretty big day in your life. Some take it more seriously than others-go all out and probably go through hell while planning it-but i have found out that it is a bigger thing than i perhaps thought it was. The decisions we make now will be ones that we look back on forever. We're creating memories right here and we want them to be good ones!

So remember girls, wedding wobbles are normal, just go with it and be confident in your own choices.

And remember, it'll all be over in a few months! Phew!

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