Thursday, April 16, 2009

16th April 2009-the ladies love to shop!

The day out shopping for outfits for the two 'mothers' went brilliantly and, much like i did when i went to choose a wedding dress, both women got 'sorted' in record time! Hurrah!

Thankfully we got gorgeous weather for our jaunt to the 'big' city and all of us were in the mood for a girlie day together! I'm grateful that my mother and MIL2B get on very well (probably comes from the fact that HWSRN and i have been together forever by now!) and we are all very comfortable and relaxed in each others company. This will also help no-end i'm certain when we all head off for a week in Italy together!

Both ladies had vague ideas in their heads of what they did or did not want. This being a 'destination' wedding in a warm country, everyone invited seems a bit panicked about what is 'suitable'-as if it should be different from what you might wear to a wedding here on a hot day? - they knew they wanted dressy but cool and comfortable. And nothing too over-the-top.

In the very first shop we tried MIL2B saw something she liked. It caught her eye immediately and she couldn't wait to try it on! We looked around for alternatives (it was a big shop) but nothing seemed as nice. So try it on she did, and it was lovely on her! All three of us agreed that the colour and style were perfect for her and that was that! 'No need to look any further', she declared, 'this is the one'. So within minutes MIL2B had her outfit wrapped and bagged and was pleased as punch with her purchase! She is not a woman to mess around!

Although my mother wasn't quite as easy (this is, after all , her one and only time being mother-of-the-bride and she wanted to get it right) she too made her purchase in record time after trying several dresses several times, and picked something fabulous which i can't wait to borrow! She has gone for a beautiful, bold colour which will look stunning against the sunny back-drop, and looks gorgeous on her, and being a proper girl she is all excited now about picking out matching accessories!

Both women chose lovely outfits and i can't wait to see them all dressed up on the day-i just hope they don't outshine the bride!

More importantly than the outfits the three of us enjoyed a really nice day. Having gotten the shopping over with rather quickly and painlessly we enjoyed a long lunch and some wine before strolling around having a look at shoes etc. Then, before heading home again, we stopped at a lovely hotel and chatted about the big day over another glass of wine (well, there is lots to discuss you know!) plenty of practise for Italy!

During the day i also collected my wedding ring which i really love! I tried it on again when i got home and didn't want to take it off...and there was i thinking it would be difficult to get used to!It's very simple and not all that expensive but unusual and pretty and perfect with my engagement ring! Another thing ticked off the list too!

So all in all a great weekend. I also had a friend visit on Good Friday who listened to me go on and on about honeymoons and hair-do's without complaint! She is excited as i am about going to Italy! Yippee!

This week i have been researching hair and make-up for the day. I plan to start practising both so i will know exactly what i am doing. My hair is being trimmed this weekend in preparation for the big cut and colour-it won't know what's happening to it when it see's the scissors coming towards it as i have been growing it for what seems, at this moment, like forever! Roll on the day it gets properly coloured and styled, i have been waiting for so long! I hope it will be worth it.

Still no honeymoon news! But i remain stress-free! Did i mention i shall board my flight to Italy in only 9 weeks......?

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