Thursday, January 8, 2009

8th January 2009-Getting started on the paperwork! Ugh!

Hello again!

Okay so today i'm starting to get all the paperwork organised with a vengence! I did a good bit of research on this a few months back but never really got it fully sorted. The thing is you can't do it any earlier than 6 months before the wedding and no later than 4 months, so basically you have this 2 month slot to get it all done! And like most people i need a bit of pressure to motivate me so i've left it all until the last minute!

Our 6 month date was 24th December (i spent Christmas eve being really excited about that rather than Christmas!) so we had to leave it until the holidays were over and it's taken a few days to get my back-side into gear but i'm ready now and determined!

The big problem for us is the fact that i'm British and HWSRN is Irish so we are dealing with different embassies. The home side of things is okay (so far) i have down-loaded the various forms and just need to fill them in and get them witnessed by a solicitor or justice of the peace. However, my form has to be posted in the British Embassy in Dublin for 21 days before they can issue the Nulla Osta (that's the form we need in Italy to say we are allowed to marry). With both applications we have to send both passports and birth certs so you can see why time might be a factor. The really complicated part however is where to have the forms sent to in Italy? And do we have to collect them or can they be forwarded on? And how do we pay our fee's there? Agh! You have to contact the embassy you're dealing with in Italy to ask about payment but they don't seem to be contactable by email and are only open for a few hours each day which will mean making calls from the mobile! I've so far tried emailing a couple of places and sending a fax. I'll let you know what happens! But regardless HWSRN and i are sitting down tonight and filling out as much of the forms as we can!

We still have loads of other things to organise like flights and my dress! I'll be honest and tell you that i haven't even been inside a bridal shop yet and don't know if i'll even bother! I don't really want a traditional style wedding dress as i don't think i'd suit one and i think it'll be way too much hard work in the heat! I'm hoping to see something a bit different in a regular shop that would be suitable but don't know if i should just go into a bridal shop and try a few on. While i have the excuse to! My worry would be that i'll decide i want one then though and that'll cost a bomb!

I need to arrange music for the ceremony too. A guest has offered to sing for us and i think we might go with that option as we can choose songs we know and love rather than traditional wedding stuff but i also think it might be nice to have a local Italian folk band or violinist because it's going to be a real Italian wedding.

And then there's a party to organise for when we get back...

Talk soon,


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